an exciting book for young adults centred on Egyptian fantasy.
Welcome: JONATHAN'S ADVENTURES of Egyptian Gods and fantasy

an exciting book for young adults centred on Egyptian fantasy.
Jonathan's friends know he is an FKIA. They just accept it, but ISIS dispises his proud arrogant attitude. She curses him with a three-fold Curse, sends him off to try and save the people effected, those people whose lives are wrecke by the weight of the Curse.
The Egyptian Gods control jonathan!
How the F..k could someone steal a huge, stone sarcophagus out of the President of EGYPT's bunker with no one noticing? Find out in the third book, JONATHAN and the STOLEN SARCOPHAGUS, with Egyptian fantasy in every chapter.
A sandstorm welcomes Jonathan to Egypt and unable to see Dr. Johnsten, Jonathan's father drives off the road. A good book for young adults with Jonathan realizing he is involved in an Egyptian fantasy.
Set has set in motion a plot to capture Jonathan.
Jonathan discovers the scarab, rubs it and KHEPRI appears. The Egyptian Gods control Jonathan.
In Book 1, Jonathan finding the scarab, rubs it and KHEPRI appears. The two Gods fight, but now, in Book Two, KHEPRI has no control over ISIS, the most powerful of the Gods, which is why it is
In Chapter One, Jonathan has just graduated. A crazy Egyptologist wants the scarab, so he takes Jonathan's father prisoner and secretly hides him in a cave in Sinai. When Jonathan and his family gets the news that his father is missing, Jonathan and his best friend, Nathan go to Egypt to find him. The adventure begins.
HELLO, Ahlan wa Sahlan
Jonathan is a young man looking for adventure. He finds a Sacred Scarab, and with his BF Nathan goes to Egypt. There they find one crazy situation after another. The Scarab is a connection to the God Khepri who saves Jonathan time after time from the evil gods of Ancient Egypt.
In Vancouver, Jonathan reflects on life while enjoying the waterfront of the coast.
Jonathan's mother gets the email; her husband, Dr. Johnsten, is missing and the company the Egyptologist worked for doesn't know what happened to him.
Nathan joins his BF and they go to Egypt to solve a problem: a crazy professor has taken Dr. Johnsten, Jonathan's Dad, prisoner.
But where is he?
Jonathan's First visit to Egypt. Magic!
As a ten year old boy, Jonathan goes to Egypt. In a tomb, he finds the Sacred Scarab. When he cleans off the scarab by rubbing it, the God KHEPRI appears. He becomes Jonathan's protector
(The painting of Khepri is by Nicaraguan artist TorVik Uaolla.)
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Jonathan and his best friend Nathan get to work with Dr. Czerny and find the shame of the Pharaohs.
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James listens to "The History of Egypt podcast on Pantheon. Highly recommended. Dominic Perry starts with the beginning of recorded history and gives in depth information of kings, Great Royal Wives, princes and lots of info on people, the scribes, soldiers, commoners, farmers. .
Then when they discover the Shame of the Pharaohs
ISIS appears and curses Jonathan.
The photo was taken at Ramses II Temples at Abu Simbel.
James read YA novel for years as a teen and then taught teens and enjoyed their energy.
The novel "Jonathan and the Sacred Scarab" is now being published. Copies will be arriving at my home in the near future! There will be a small, collectors autographed, collection available for order!
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"Jonathan and the Curse of ISIS!" is finally being published. Check back in four weeks OR PHONE (250)833-5134